GREATER ISRAEL 2 PART DVD BY BILL SALUS Genesis 12:2 declares God intends to make Israel a mighty, marvelous, powerful, exceedingly prominent, and prosperous nation. Additionally, Genesis 15:18 informs us that God gave the Jews land between Egypt and Iraq. Is Israel soon to capture sizeable portions of it?
Many Christians believe Christ must return before Israel expands territorially; however, the upcoming Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 & 39 Israeli war prophecies suggest otherwise. In this brand new two - part DVD from Isralestine author Bill Salus, you will find out that phase one of GOD’S GREATER ISRAEL began with the rebirth of the Jewish State in 1948. Phase two occurred in the aftermath of the Arab - Israeli Six Day War in 1967. Furthermore, phases three and four will be finalized after the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 & 39 wars. Lastly, the fifth and final phase occurs when Jesus returns.
Part One is called Greater Israel and Part Two is Psalm 83 or Ezekiel 38, which is the Next Middle East News Headline.
Get Bill's DVD NOW, learn the truth and be better equipped to witness in days coming!
Recently I had the opportunity to interview the highly regarded prophecy expert, Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum, (pictured here) for Prophecy Update Radio. This important two-part radio interview can be accessed at the bottom of this article.
We talked about several prophetic topics, but of particular interest was our discussion centered upon the timing of Psalm 83. Many of you interested in the Psalm and its timing may find his comments below fascinating.
Knowing thatDr. Fruchtenbaumhas a healthy aversion to date setting and newspaper exegesis, I was respectfully careful in our interview not to corner him into pinpointing the exact timing of the fulfillment of the Psalm event. However with that said, I’m very familiar with his general viewpoint regarding the final fulfillment of the prophecy. Arnold and I have bantered back and forth on the event timing on numerous occasions. I believe it is a Pre-Trib event, and Arnold has tended to place the final conclusion of the event into the “Great Tribulation”, which would be the second half of the seven year tribulation period.[i]
Let me give you some background on this friendly decade old timing debate we embarked upon. Please note that his teachings have mentored me throughout most of my Christian walk. I have listened to a majority of his teaching tapes and read his Footsteps of the Messiah and Israelology books with great interest.
Regarding his placement of the Psalm in the Great Tribulation, I first discovered his viewpoint in his Footsteps of the Messiah book, where he clearly places the final fulfillment of the event in the Great Tribulation. At a luncheon together, I seized the opportunity to ask him why he believed this. He opened up his Bible to Obadiah 1:15 and read:
“For the day of Jehovah is near upon all the nations: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee; thy dealing shall return upon thine own head.” (ASV).
He and I both concur this passage alludes to the timing of the fulfillment of Psalm 83; however, where we differ in opinion is that he believes the passage mandates that the event conclusion occurs in the day of Jehovah, and I read the passage as it occurs when the day of the LORD (Jehovah) draws near. The text says; “For the day of Jehovah is near”, which implies that the day of the LORD will occur subsequent to the fulfillment of Obadiah 1:15. We both believe that the day of Jehovah encompasses at least the second three and one-half years of the Tribulation, and quite possibly the entire seven year period. Therefore, I suggest Psalm 83 occurs when the Tribulation period is relatively soon to happen, but not yet come.
A few friendly face to face meetings later, Arnold suggested that I write a book about the subject, which is now published and is called Isralestine, The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East.[ii] Although he believes we are in “substantial agreement” and Isralestine presents “valid arguments” on the details of the Psalm, he has remained fairly steadfast in his contrasting view of the timing of Psalm 83.
Additionally, since the publishing of Isralestine our interplay has continued on through radio interviews together and volleys of emails back and forth. His general feeling up to the present is that partial fulfillment of Psalm 83 occurred in the wars of 1948 and 1967, however final fulfillment has not yet occurred.
Here is where this article takes an interesting twist. In our most recent radio interview together airing January 15, 2010, Dr. Fruchtenbaum answers several of my semi-pointed questions in a way that suggests he is open to other views of the final timing of Psalm 83. Dr. Fructhenbaum believes the majority of Psalm 83 finds fulfillment before the seven year Tribulation Period occurs, meaning more segments of Psalm 83 may yet occur as Pre-Trib events.
For instance, regarding the destruction of Damascus, he believes that Isaiah 17:1 may be part of Psalm 83 but he is not certain. However, if it is part of Psalm 83 he believes it will be a Pre-Trib event because there is no reference to the Day of the LORD throughout Isaiah 17.
Concerning God’s manner of dealing with the Psalm 83 Arab confederacy, he “definitely” believes, as do I, that the Israeli Defense Forces (I.D.F.) will become divinely empowered to conquer these confederates as per Obadiah 1:18, Ezekiel 25:14, and elsewhere. We both believe that Asaph petitions God for this type of I.D.F. empowerment in Psalm 83:9-11.
Then I asked Arnold a multi-layered question: first, if Israel is dwelling in a condition of peace guaranteed by the false covenant with the Antichrist[iii] in the first half of the tribulation, how could Psalm 83 occur, and second if Israelis are fleeing from the genocidal campaign of the Antichrist in the second half of the Tribulation, likewise, how could Psalm 83 occur? I invite you to hear his specific answers when our timely interview airs on Prophecy Update Radio. For now, his comments can be summarized as follows:
First, the purpose of the false covenant is to guarantee Israel’s military security and, therefore, the I.D.F. will not likely be very active during the first three and one-half years of the Tribulation period. Thus when the “Abomination of Desolation”[iv] occurs at the midpoint of the Trib period, the I.D.F. won’t be ready to “tackle it”.
Second, the Jews will be fleeing from the Antichrist rampage during the second three and one-half years of the “Great Tribulation” and thus they won’t likely be stopping in mid-flight to conquer the Psalm 83 confederates.
Therefore, I pointedly asked him, then how can Psalm 83 find final fulfillment during the seven year Tribulation period? He said, “That’s why I believe the majority of Psalm 83 occurs Pre-Trib; before the actual tribulation”.
Wow! So what do you make of that? It sounds like he may be leaning toward a complete fulfillment, or at least a majority fulfillment, of Psalm 83 as a Pre-Trib event. Draw your own conclusions after you hear our exciting Prophecy Update Radio interview in January 15, 2010.
Please be patient interview download may take a few minutes. ...................... [i] Footsteps of Messiah Chapter 20, section C, pages 498-499 [ii] Fruchtenbaum invited me to be part of a panel for his filming of his DVD, “Why is God still saving Gentiles” available at It was after this filming over refreshments that he suggested that I write Isralestine. [iii] Daniel 9:27 and Isaiah 28:18,18 [iv] Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, and Mark 13:14
While world leaders met in Copenhagen for the United Nations 2009 Climate Change Conference, Damascus, Syria hosted a war tribunal with high level delegations from Iran and the Hezbollah. Concurrently, about five-hundred prophetically minded Christian’s fellowshipped at the annual 2009 Pre-Trib Rapture conference in Dallas, hosted by Dr. Tim Lahaye and Dr. Thomas Ice.
Among the eschatologists in attendance were, Dr. David Reagan, Dr. Mark Hitchcock, Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Jimmy DeYoung, Jimmy DeYoung Jr., Dr. Chuck Missler, Bill Koenig, Pastor Chuck Smith, Dr. Ed Hindson, Dr. Randall Price, Mike Gendron, Dr. Thomas Horn, Al Gist, Don McGee, Terry James, Todd Strandberg, Gary Fisher, Phillip Goodman,Wilfred Hahn, Jerry Robinson, Nathan Jones, Don Perkins, Daymond Duck, Gordon Peterson, Don Mercer, Ray Gano, Mike Hile, yours truly and many more.
The revived Roman Empire, trend toward Globalism, coming Mideast War, absence of America in Bible prophecy, and soon return of Jesus Christ weighed heavy on our hearts and minds at the conference. Although not all Christians worldwide agree as to when or whether Jesus Christ comes to take millions of believers out of this world, many of them are troubled by the rapidly developing dangerous events in the Middle East.
On December 2, 2009 Iranian president Ahmadinejad declared “The Zionist regime (Israel) and its (western) backers cannot do a damn thing to stop Iran's nuclear work". Just a few days later according to Debkafile, Iran successfully simulated the detonation of a nuclear warhead in laboratory conditions. This is an alarming development because detonation is one of the most difficult challenges in the development of a nuclear weapon.
In addition to the aboveDebkafile issued an article on December 10, 2009 Damascus conference entitled “If attacked, Iran wants Syria to hit back at Israel. Damascus hedges.” The article suggested that the largest Iranian delegation ever witnessed in Syrian history recently arrived in Damascus to form a strategic partnership between Iran and Syria against Israel. According to the article, Iran expects an Israeli attack within one month and wants Syria to commit to joint military action against Israel. It appears they plan to pressure Syria into a YES WE WILL ENLIST answer! (Article postsript: Iran and Syria confirmed a military pact on 12/11/09.Click hereto read article / video below.)
Iran's defense minister Ahmad Vahidi headed the Iranian delegation in Damascus and he stated, "The countdown for war is coming close to its end." "We must get our strategic partnership in shape ahead of time." He went on to pinpoint “chemical, microbiological and banned nuclear weapons" as strategic retaliatory Israeli targets. Syrian and Iranian military officials purportedly proposed that Hezbollah and the Palestinian terrorist organizations start heating up Israel's borders in the coming days to draw the attention from the world's focus on the Iranian and Syrian nuclear programs. (article postsript: Hamas vows to unite with Iran if Israel attacks. Click hereto read article.)
Additionally, HassanNasrallah the Secretary General of Hezbollah, brought a delegation from Lebanon to participate in this important Damascus meeting. HassanNasrallah had previously advocated this type of antagonistic behavior toward Israel on September 18, 2009, when he declared Hezbollah can presently wipe out one-half of Israel’s army and that Israel should be wiped off of the map.
It appears as though things are about to go ballistic in the Middle East. Should a war break out between Israel and the parties listed above, it could segue into a sequence of events foretold in the Bible. Three Mideast centered prophecies are strongly bleeping on the prophetic radar presently. They are Isaiah 17:1, Psalm 83, and Ezekiel 38 & 39. These three major prophecies have a myriad of subset prophecies, like Ezekiel 25:14, 37:10, Obadiah 1:18, Jeremiah 49:1-27 and many more that seem interconnected. These three prophecies were alluded to frequently among the attendees at the Pre-Trib conference.
While attending on December 8, 2009 I visited with Bill Koenig, a respected eschatologist and white house correspondent. He said that Syria supposedly has the most advanced scuds in the world. Additionally, we discussed the possibility that Saddam Hussein may have smuggled many of his chemical warheads into Syria before the 2003 U.S. led invasion of Iraq. I commented to Bill Koenig that; “Should any chemicals penetrate into Israeli soil, I suspect Israel might attack Damascus and ultimately bring about the fulfillment of Isaiah 17:1”. (Isaiah 17:1 alludes to the final destruction of Damascus)
Also we discussed the upcoming massive civilian defense drill potentially scheduled for the middle of January 2010 in Israel. Several people at the conference had heard about this drill, which is being performed in preparation for a potential multi-front war with Hezbollah, Syria, Hamas, and perhaps Iran. This exercise is intended to prepare Israelis for an attack of a chemical and biological nature. Also Koenig concurred that gas masks are going to be re-distributed on a wide scale in Israel in January 2010, seemingly for such a scenario.
Regarding chemical warfare, the Kuwaiti Daily reported in the summer of 2008 that chemical components enabling the production of mustard gas made their way through Iran and Syria into Hezbollah's hands. There is legitimate concern that deadly chemicals may already be mounted within many of Hezbollah’s rocket warheads. Koenig believes that there are presently 50,000 rockets in Hezbollah's arsenal. In the 34 day conflict between Hezbollah and Israel during the summer of 2006, Hezbollah launched approximately 4000 rockets into many parts of Northern Israel. This proved to be an embarrassing wakeup call to Israeli Defense Forces and their leadership.
Recently in a televised speech on Al Quds day this past September Hezbollah Secretary General, HassanNasrallah, discouraged all Arab allegiance with Israel and encouraged a multi-front war instead. He said "the next Mideast war will change the maps", inferring that in the aftermath new maps would be drawn without the nation of Israel upon them. Undoubtedly, Hezbollah defiance is due to their success in 2006 and their abundant arsenal amassed presently in 2009.
In my estimation this coming war will be unlike any other Mideast war throughout the entirety of history. I had dinner with Jimmy DeYoung, the widely respected end time’s expert, on December 7, 2009 and he, like most everyone else I spoke with at the conference about the subject, believes that Israel will pre-empt a strike against Iran's nuclear sites in the near future. "They have to", he said. The possible, albeit speculative, scenario I am suggesting to prepare for is as follows:
1. Israeli Pre-empted strike against Iran's nuclear sites. 2. Iran and / or proxies (Hezbollah, Syria, Hamas) retaliate. 3. Israel uses Scalar Technology against Damascus 4. Damascus ceases to be a city (Isaiah 17:1 fulfilled) 5. Arab League calls an emergency meeting intended to draw a line in the sand between Israel and the Arabs 6. Jordan and Egypt are pressured to break fragile peace treaties with Israel and confederate with other Arabs. (Jordan and Egypt are enlisted members of Psalm 83) 7. Saudi Arabia,also enlisted in Psalm 83, joins in for survival and economic, religious, and geo-political purposes 8. Psalm 83 commences... On a side note; Arab Nationalism is at an all time high especially in light of the Iranian nuclear threat. Additionally the Palestinian Refugee Plight is climaxing presently and, if the scenario I'm suggesting occurs, it could come full front and center in the midst of this major conflict. I believe these refugees are the "tents of Edom" in Psalm 83:6. 9. Israel recognizes Arab military intentions and launches further preemptive strikes on its Arab neighbors and strikes religious sites in Saudi Arabia and overtakes the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock. (Jimmy DeYoung informed me that the priestly garb is presently being prepared for about 28,000 Levites. DeYoung declared, They are saying in Israel today; "When the dome comes down, the priestly garments come out"! ) 10. The Psalm 83 war ends, separation wall comes down, and construction of third Jewish temple begins. 11. The I.D.F. become and exceedingly great army in fulfillment of Ezekiel 37:10.
It may not happen exactly in this way; however, the above scenario is not that far fetched and I encourage people to prepare for the above or some varying scenario possibilities. The prophecies that are about to be fulfilled leading up to Ezekiel 38 are world changing and then the world will probably witness the Gog of Magog invasion. The sign posts are all up and pointing toward the nearby coming of the seven-year tribulation period ending with the campaign of Armageddon, shortly after the above type scenario occurs.
Therefore, Christians worldwide should look up for our redemption draws extremely near.
Current Mideast rumblings have many eschatologists revisiting a prophetic psalm vastly overlooked. This is Psalm 83, which discusses the formation of a ten member, predominately Arab, confederacy destined to someday seek the utter destruction of the nation Israel. Psalm 83 has recently popped up on the prophetic radar screen because many of Israel’s most observable enemies today, like the Palestinians, Hezbollah, and Hamas, appear to be enlisted among the ten member coalition. Thus an increasing number of end time’s experts are attempting to gain greater understanding of the psalm and its timeline placement.
The psalm was authored by Asaph approximately 3000 years ago at a time in Israel’s history when King David reigned, the Israelites were preparing to build their first temple, and the nation as a whole was divinely blessed and empowered. Furthermore, we are told in 2 Chronicles 29:30 that Asaph was a seer, chozeh in the Hebrew, meaning he was gifted with prophetic inclinations.
Oddly, at a savory point in Israel’s history, Asaph received his genocidal vision of Israel’s possible destruction. This daunting prophecy must have disturbed the Israelites at the time since most of the confederates were comprised of surrounding populations that had demonstrated a sincere hatred toward them at various points throughout their history. Additionally, Assyria, one of the ten confederate members, was becoming a conquering empire to the Northeast of Israel at the time. These populations are listed in Psalm 83:6-8 and are connected with their modern day equivalents later in this article.
The seer inscribed his vision in the customary imprecatory prayer format intending to invoke the curse for curse in kind clause spelled out in Genesis 12:3 upon this coming confederacy. The essence of Asaph’s petition reminds God that any genocidal attack upon His people ultimately serves as an assault against His covenant making character as per the Abrahamic Covenant. Within this unconditional covenant was the promise that Abraham would father a great nation and have descendants with a homeland forever as per Genesis 13:15-17, 15:17-18 and elsewhere.
Psalm 83:4 tells us that the Arabs want to destroy the Chosen People, and Psalm 83:12 informs us they want to possess the Promised Land. Thus, Asaph petitions God for the destruction of this forthcoming enemy league by empowering the Israelites militarily through similar historical examples given in Psalm 83:9-11. The point surmised is that these enemies want to destroy Israel militarily, so therefore they should be cursed militarily in like fashion. The significance of these specific historical examples will be sited subsequently in this article.
In addition to and concurrent with the increased prophetic chatter about Psalm 83, many eschatologists feverishly flip through the final pages of the end time’s calendar to arrive at the Ezekiel 38 & 39 prophecy. This prophecy also predicts the formation of a powerful confederacy destined to someday invade Israel apparently led by Russia. Ever strengthening relationships between Russia and the Ezekiel 38 listed nations of Iran, Turkey, and Libya appear to be among some of the reasons behind this EZEKIEL 38 NOW fervor!
In spite of the fact that the Israel today does not appear to meet all the prerequisites contained in Ezekiel 38:8-13, many notable scholars are convinced that current geopolitical circumstances in the region favor the nearby fulfillment of this prophecy. In a previously released article, “Psalm 83 or Ezekiel 38, which is the Next Mideast News Headline”, I list the litany of possible reasons why modern day Israel may not presently meet the prophetic Ezekiel 38 prescription. This information is also encapsulated in my DVD called “Greater Israel”.
In addition to modern day Israel’s probable prophetic unpreparedness for the Ezekiel invasion to occur presently, there is another large dilemma that the EZEKIEL 38 NOW advocates are grappling with. Namely, the “inner ring” of Arab nations sharing common borders with Israel, who have been Israel’s most observable enemies since 1948, are not listed among the Ezekiel invaders.
In my opinion, the difference in the lists, which are shown further on in this article, is because the inner ring of Arab states have been defeated by the Israeli Defense Forces prior to the Ezekiel invasion and therefore the names do not appear on Ezekiel’s list. In other words, they are eliminated, never again to muster a military force. Others have suggested that the difference may be accounted for in an Arab refusal to participate in the invasion due to historical animosities with the Persians (Iranians) who are allied with with the Russians in the Ezekiel invasion. But, it seems to me that the Arab states are highly unlikely to sit out a major offensive against Israel when they would have so much to gain as a result.”
Others have dealt with the issue by crossing the territorial divides and imaginatively inserting ancient Arab populations like Tyre, Aram, Asshur, and Philistia into the Ezekiel 38:2-6 equation. This tendency, not scripturally supported, seems to be fueled by Iranian relationships with Hezbollah (Tyre), Syria (Aram / Asshur), and Hamas (Philistia), which are also at an unprecedented high. As stated earlier, Iran is a key player among the Ezekiel invaders.
When Ezekiel wrote he did not have names like Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Hezbollah, and Hamas, in his vernacular. Thus he referenced Rosh, Magog, Persia, Meschech, Put, etc. to describe modern day Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya, and nine populations in total. However nowhere included in Ezekiel’s list of populations are Tyre, (Lebanon), Asshur (Assyria), Philistia (Gaza), etc. Those populations appear to be reserved for the Psalm 83 Arab – Israeli war.
This is not to say Ezekiel couldn’t have listed the Psalm 83 conspirators alongside the Russian led consortium, since he references most all of the Psalm 83 populations elsewhere throughout his prophetic book. This suggests two things: one, that Ezekiel had their ancient names within his vocabulary, and two, that they aren’t part of the Ezekiel 38 & 39 invasion.
Below are two tables and two maps that generally identify and locate the participants of the Psalm 83 “inner ring” of Arab confederates, and the Ezekiel 38 “outer circle” Russian coalition. The pentagon borders distinguish the Ps. 83 inner ring from the Ez. 38 outer circle. These illustrations depict two distinctly different confederate groupings. These exhibits are intended to loosely rather than precisely identify the pertinent populations and / or locations. Some scholars present differing views as to who the participants are in each prophetic event.
Since the summer 2008 release of my book Isralestine, the Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East, in which Psalm 83 is the central theme, several theories as to the nature and timing of the Psalm have surfaced. Some of these theories previously existed; however, a few seem to be relatively new. The main theories espoused that I have uncovered thus far as to the Psalm and / or its timing are:
1. It found historical fulfillment in 2nd Chronicles 20 2. It found historical fulfillment in the war of 1948 3. It found historical fulfillment in the war of 1967 4. It is about to find final fulfillment prior to Ezekiel 38 (Isralestine hypothesis) 5. It will find fulfillment within Ezekiel 38 6. It will find fulfillment after Ezekiel 38 but prior to the Armageddon Campaign 7. It will find fulfillment within the Armageddon campaign. 8. It is an imprecatory Psalm and not a specific prophecy per se
In addition to comparisons already given, the rest of this article will be devoted to addressing the seemingly clear distinctions between the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 & 39 Israeli war prophecies and why they probably won’t occur concurrently as per theory number #5 above. On a side note, although Ezekiel 38 & 39 is comprised of fifty-two passages and Psalm 83 a mere eighteen, it is my contention that when all Psalm 83 inter-related prophetic passages are discerned, much more detail is given in the Bible about the Psalm than the Ezekiel invasion. Thus the Psalm, generally overlooked by scholars until recently, is now beginning to receive the serious study it deserves.
Ezekiel 38 & 39 generally details the whole Israeli war episode from start to finish, whereas Psalm 83 gives far less detail. Thus it becomes incumbent upon the eschatologist to diligently search the entirety of scripture to find out how the LORD intends to deliver Israel through the climactic concluding Arab Israeli war prophecy. (Associated table identifies some of the details missing in Psalm 83 compared to Ezekiel 38 & 39.)
We can conclude that it very well could be the final effort of the Psalm 83:6-8 confederates to destroy Israel by reviewing the end results of the historical examples Asaph references in Psalm 83:9-11. A careful review of the historical Israeli war events Asaph alludes to takes the reader primarily to the accounts recorded in Judges Chapter’s 4 through 8. Upon reviewing these chapters and appropriately aligning the events described therein with recorded history, one concludes that once those former enemies of Israel were defeated, they ceased to ever oppress the Israelites further. Similarly the inference can be made by Asaph’s specific petitioning that once the Israelites, or should the event occur soon, the Israeli Defense Forces, defeat the Psalm 83 confederates, they likewise will cease to ever collectively oppress Israel further.
For article brevity sake below please find an abbreviated list of further distinctions between Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 & 39…
The two prophecies have distinctly differing mandates,motives, and destructions. The Ezekiel confederates want to destroy Israel in order to take spoil and things of great value (Ez. 38:13). The Psalm 83 Arabs seek sole possession of the Promised Land (Ps. 83:12).The Ezekiel invaders are divinely defeated (Ez. 38:18-39:6), whereas Israeli Defense Forces (I.D.F.) destroy the Arab conspirators (Ps. 83:9-11, Ez. 37:10, 25:14, Obadiah 1:18 and elsewhere). In fact, this appears to be the only significant prophetic role the I.D.F. of today has. They are not instrumental in the Ezekiel 38 & 39 episode or the concluding Armageddon Campaign of the Antichrist at the end of the Tribulation Period.
Psalm 83 has ten populations (Ps. 83:6-8) and Ezekiel has only nine distinctly different populations (Ez. 38:2-6). Those who suggest Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 are the same prophetic event bear the burden of proof of locating the Psalm 83 confederates inside the Ezekiel invasion. They must locate the inner ring within the outer circle, and avoid the tendency to sensationalize present Russian, Iranian, Turkish, and Libyan relationships.
In the aftermath of Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38, humanity is delivered two distinctly differing lessons. Psalm 83 teaches humanity that God’s Genesis 12:3 foreign policy is still effectually intact, and Ezekiel 38 displays God’s glory and informs humanity that God is real, sovereign and extremely powerful (Ez. 39:7).
Regarding the Psalm 83 lesson, the lead member of Psalm 83 is the tents of Edom, who are probably representative of the Palestinian refugees today according to my studies published in Isralestine’s Whodomite chapter. The Edomites are the descendants of Esau (Genesis 36:1), who was Jacob’s twin brother. Jacob was renamed Israel in Genesis 32:28. The lesson for humanity in the aftermath of Psalm 83 is that if God did not spare the descendants of Jacob’s own twin brother Esau for cursing the Jews, then how can anyone be spared of a similar fate for attempting the same. Thus the Abrahamic Covenant is demonstrated through the I.D.F. destruction of the Psalm 83 confederates to still be effectually intact.
There are distinctions between the battlefronts as well. The Ezekiel invaders originate from the uttermost parts of the north (Ez. 38:6) whereas the Arab’s encircle Israel from all sides. The Psalm 83 battlefront appears to be the floodplains of the Jordan as per the possible connecting prophecy found in Jeremiah 49:19.
A relatively new theory, also connecting Ezekiel 38 with Psalm 83, suggests that the Arab League is the Psalm 83 confederates. However, there are twenty-two nations in the Arab League verses only ten populations in Psalm 83. Additionally, less than a handful of the twenty-two Arab League conglomerates appear to be located with the Ezekiel coalition. Conversely, most all of the Psalm 83 populations appear to be members of the Arab League. However, not all of the Arab League nations appear to be enlisted in Psalm 83. Thus, in part, I concur that the Arab League may play a role in spearheading this confederacy. However, it is difficult to know the size and scope of that role.
Lastly, Dedan appears to abstain from enjoining the Ezekiel invaders (Ez. 38:13). Dedan was located in the Northern part of Saudi Arabia. Yet, in Psalm 83, Saudi Arabia appears to be involved under the banner of the Ishmaelites (Ps. 83:6). This somewhat confuses the argument that Ezekiel 38 and Psalm 83 are one and the same prophetic event. Otherwise, why would Saudi Arabia participate in Psalm 83, but opt out of Ezekiel 38? Additionally, Dedan is located within the Ezekiel 25:13-15 sequence, which appears to be part of God’s response to Psalm 83.
In conclusion, Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 are two distinctly differing Israeli war prophecies. Psalm 83 is more than a mere imprecatory prayer, but is an actual confederate effort, with listed participants, a specific mandate, and a genuine motive. Both events are yet to find final fulfillment, but appear likely to be about to occur soon, sequentially, and in rapid succession. In the aftermath of Psalm 83, Israel probably develops without much restriction, into the sovereign Jewish State that the Ezekiel invaders seek to invade.
A blogger recently stated - "Another person wrote in yesterday asking pretty much the same thing - if Syria's wiped out by Psalm 83 and "the king of the North" is always a reference from Daniel that has been historically corroborated as Syria, then how can Syria be bothering Israel and the Antichrist later in the Tribulation. Very good question! I don't know, though, and can only speculate that as a vassal of Israel the ruler of Syria rebels at some point."
The blogger alludes to Daniel 11:40, which foretells the coming of two kings that war against the Antichrist near the end of time. These kings are identified as the “king of the south” and the “king of the north”. Daniel chapter eleven references a “king of the south” eight times and a “king of the north” seven times. Most expositors believe that seven of the eight king of the south references, and six of the seven king of the north, have already found fulfillment in connection with Egypt (south) and Syria (north). Thus the common teaching is that the king of the south is an Egyptian, and the king of the north a Syrian.
Both Bloggers, questioner and responder, appear familiar with this traditional teaching. They also preclude the possibility that Israel defeats their Arab enemies, including Syria, in the Psalm 83 War prior to the fulfillment of Daniel 11:40. Thus, the legitimate question is raised that if Syria is wiped out as per Psalm 83 how can the Daniel 11:40 king of the north be a Syrian. Another school of thought regarding the Daniel 11:40 king of the north connects with the Ezekiel 38 Gog of Magog invasion. Some believe because this invasion is led by Russia in the latter years (Ez. 38:8) from the uttermost parts of the north as per (Ez. 38:15), that this king is a Russian rather than a Syrian.
However, it is possible that in addition to the prior fulfillment of Psalm 83 that the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38 may also occur prior to the events described in Daniel 11:40. Many commentaries suggest that Daniel 11:40 occurs during the final three and one-half years of the Great Tribulation period and that the Ezekiel 38 invasion occurs prior. If so then the Daniel 11:40 king of the north may turn out to be neither Syrian nor Russian.
Furthermore, should Psalm 83, which could include the destruction of Damascus as per Isaiah 17:1, and Ezekiel 38 occur prior to the fulfillment of Daniel 11:40, the geopolitical Mideast and world landscapes could be entirely different then, than today. Enormous portions of land, natural resources, fragile governments, and national wealth, will presumably be available for the taking at that time. This land grab may extend beyond the Middle East into territories currently possessed by the Ezekiel 38 invaders of Russia, Iran, Ethiopia, Libya, Turkey, etc.
World leaders left in place might seize the opportunity to seek sovereignty over the damaged lands, defeated peoples, and destroyed governments of the war torn nations. Thus, wide scale political debate and / or military debacle should be expected within the remaining members of the International Community in the aftermath of these powerful prophetic wars. Additionally, the ten future Kings described in Daniel 7:24 and Revelation 17:12 will probably be presiding over the world on or about the time of these territorial disputes. Some scholars suggest that the world is eventually rezoned into ten sizeable provinces one for each of these ten kings.
(map represents a few areas potentially effected by the Israeli War Prophecies)
Amidst the backdrop of all the above, undoubtedly, Israel will attempt to annex more Promised Land. This is precisely what they did in the aftermath of the six day war in June of 1967. Israel nearly tripled its size back then and stands to quadruple its size after victories in Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 & 39. However, as is the case today, these future world leaders will probably contest Israel’s rightful claims. These ten kings will probably seek their say as to how the future land of Israel will be divided.
Joel 3:2 informs us of a time coming when “all nations” are guilty of dividing God’s Land. This suggests the entirety of the international community at some future time will, not may, reapportion the Promised Land. Many believe Joel’s prophecy is being fulfilled presently in the political attempts to craft land for peace. They could be partially correct; however, Joel’s prophecy seems to be very end times specific and alludes to the last of the last days. I believe the international community will be contesting Israel's greater land claims in the aftermath of Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 & 39. The future ten kings, like their political predecessors today, will probably be guilty of dividing the Promised Land at that critical time in Israel’s future.
It is entirely possible that a similar scenario could manifest in the Mideast then, like what occurred with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1917. The French and British obtained greater sovereignty over much of the Middle East. These were two kingdoms existing among many others at the time. They could be likened to a precursor of two future kings or kingdoms among ten total kings or kingdoms ruling in the last days. Ultimately, Arab and Persian agonizing eventually caused the French and British to relinquish their Mideast strongholds.
Daniel 11:40 declares At the time of the end the king of the South shall attack him [the Antichrist]; and the king of the North shall come against him [the Antichrist] like a whirlwind, with chariots, horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter the countries, overwhelm them, and pass through. (NKJV)
Many commentaries attempt to decipher the identities of these two of the future ten kings without considering all the geo-political possibilities listed above. We are told in Daniel 7:20-24 that the Antichrist will subdue three of the ten kings. The Hebrew word is, “shephel” and it is only used by Daniel in the Old Testament. (Dan. 4:37,5:19,22) It essentially means to humble them or to make them lower than he. Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum believes, as do I, the Daniel 11:40 kings are among the three kings subdued by the Antichrist. (Footsteps of the Messiah chapter 11b “The Second Worldwide Conflict – Daniel 11:40-45)
Daniel 11:40 appears to tell us how at least two of three subdued kings meet with their humbling. The Antichrist overwhelms them and then makes his way into the Glorious Land according to Daniel 11:41. The Glorious Land probably includes a much GREATER ISRAEL at the time. This Greater Israel will likely possess parts of Jordan (Jeremiah 49:2), Southern Syria (Isaiah 17:1,9), and Northern Egypt (Isaiah 19:18) at the time. This future Greater Israel may be more representative of the Promised Land described in Genesis 15:18 and could be why Daniel labels it the “Glorious Land”.
Damascus, the capital of Syria, will likely already be destroyed by the time the Antichrist comes into the Glorious Land in Daniel 11:41 and thus any king of Syria then, will probably be of little to no threat to the Antichrist. Daniel 11:42 places the Antichrist in Egypt, seemingly, subsequent to his humbling of the King of the South in Daniel 11:40. This seemingly argues against the possibility that the King of the South is merely an Egyptian king as many commentaries suggest.
In conclusion, the verdict is far from rendered when it comes to the true origin and identity of these two kings. The traditional tendency to classify the king of the south as an Egyptian, and the king of the north a Syrian, is understandable. However, it is important for us to envision the geo-prophetic future of the Glorious Land when interpreting Daniel 11:40-45. The prophecies of Psalm 83, Isaiah 17:1, and Ezekiel 38 & 39 will probably have been fulfilled, and the ten kings of Daniel 7:24 and Revelation 17:12 will likely be in place by then.
Thus when Daniel 11:40 identifies two kings, they are probably two of these ten end time’s kings. Therefore, it is quite possible that these two kings are sovereign over greater kingdoms than modern day Egypt and Syria, as was the case with Britain and France after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Furthermore, the potential political, economic, and military conditions of Egypt and Syria at that time make it feasible that these two kings are not, simply the kings of Egypt and Syria.
President Barrack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, but this crowning achievement certainly can’t be attributed to his “Engagement” Mideast peace policy. Current events in that hostile region depict the daunting prospect that the “Mother of all Middle East Wars” is coming soon!
For over six decades the international community has attempted to convince the Arabs and Jews to get along peacefully. It has reduced American presidents from kings to real estate brokers attempting to barter land for peace, and to what avail? The geo-political situation in the cradle of civilization worsens daily. The flawed land for peace policy does nothing more than ask the nation Israel to take a lethal bullet from point blank range for the good of the international community.
Israel realizes now, more than ever before, that their enemies don’t want peace with the Jews; they want peace without the Jews. The Arabs don’t want a 2 - State Solution; they seek a 1 - State Solution consisting of a final Arab State in the Mideast called Palestine. Furthermore, they now believe it is obtainable. The Palestinians and their Arab and Persian cohorts are no longer lobbing protest stones at the Jews but are on the verge of going nuclear!
End time’s experts like Joel Rosenberg, Dr. David Reagan, Hal Lindsey, and a host of others are shouting, “wake up world”, “Mideast wars predicted in the Bible are coming!”
The Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah recently spewed volumes of venomous words out against Israel. On September 18, 2009 on Al-Quds (Jerusalem) day, Nasrallah notified his Muslim compatriots that:
· The land from the Mediterranean Sea to the River Jordan belongs to the Palestinian people and to the entire Muslim nation.
· Israel is an occupying, aggressive, cancerous body that contravenes religious law, and is therefore illegal.
· It is forbidden to recognize the Israeli entity or to acknowledge its legitimacy or existence.
· It is forbidden to establish ties or to normalize relations with Israel.
· Israel must be removed from existence.
· The next Mideast war will change the regional map.
· Hezbollah can destroy half of the Israeli army. [My comments about this to follow.]
· [Arabs should consider] the option of declaring an all-out Arab war, opening all fronts and preparing all armies to enter Palestine from all its gates. These words are beautiful, and the option is great and righteous.
· Iran’s president Ahmadinejad [firmly] supports the Palestinian people and he couldn’t care less, [if the Arabs come alongside similarly.] [Presently certain Arab States, like Saudi Arabia and Egypt, are presently concerned about Iran’s nuclear aspirations. Additionally Arabs and Persians have often fought against each other.]
· [Due to Iran’s support] Lebanon is not alone, Syria and Palestine are not alone, and therefore, we have a lot of elements of strength.
Israel was not the only target of vocal attack. Nasrallah claimed that America has become weakened by its financial problem and that we [Arabs] have crossed the most dangerous Bush (George W.) phase. He suggested that America disputed with Russia and in turn abandoned Poland and the Czech Republic by scrapping its missile defense shield. He warned that these two poor countries are lessons to all those who were betting on the Americans. He concluded his tongue lashing against America, by suggesting that America’s weakness has led to more tolerance toward the threat of Iran’s [nuclear] missiles. (Read Nasrallah's speech)
It appears from this verbal assault that Obama’s policy of Mideast engagement doesn’t stand a chance as far as Hassan Nasrallah and his Hezbollah bad boys are concerned. His biased assessments are reminders that the Psalm 83 prophetic Arab – Israeli war is soon to happen. In Psalm 83:3-5 we are told:
They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” For they have consulted together with one consent; They form a confederacy against You:
In Psalm 83:6-8 we discover that the Palestinians, Hezbollah, Hamas, and Syrians along with several other Arab nations, are destined to be members of this confederacy. It appears from Nasrallah’s statements above that he is appealing to his Arab compatriots to confederate with him to destroy the nation of Israel now!
Furthermore, we are told in Psalm 83:12 that the goal of this confederacy is the destruction of the modern day Jewish State in order to take full possession of the land presently occupied by Israel. Nasrallah says that land belongs to the “Palestinian people and the Muslim nation.”
In the summer of 2006 Hezbollah launched 4000 rockets into northern Israel over the span of 34 days. Presently it is estimated that Nasrallah has his hands on about 40,000 more powerful rockets. Thus this has emboldened him to declare, “Hezbollah can destroy half of the Israeli army.”
Nasrallah’s recent statements echo the sentiment of the Hamas Charter. Hamas is the terrorist organization turned elected officials of the Palestinian people as of January 2006.
Three primary tenets of their charter are:
1. Israel will exist and continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it.
2. The land of Palestine is to be Islamic consecrated to future Muslim generations until Judgment Day.
3. There is only one solution to resolve the conflict and that is Jihad.
These tenets clearly evidence that the Hamas are in total agreement with the Hezbollah’s Anti-Semitic attitude toward Israel.
Some believe that the Fatah party headed by its president, Mahmud Abbas, is more moderate than the Hezbollah and Hamas organizations. In fact, the Obama administration pedestals him as a valid peace partner for Israel. However, regarding Israel’s right to be recognized as the Jewish State, which Nasrallah declares Muslims are forbidden to accept, Abbas announced in April of 2009,
“Israel can define itself as a Jewish State, “but I don’t accept it and I say so publicly.”
There is absolutely no way that the Palestinians can officially recognize modern day Israel as the Jewish State. This would entirely nullify the ability for millions of Palestinian refugees to repatriate within Israel proper. The Arabs say there can be no peace in the Middle East until these refugees are granted the right to return into Israel.
It is an issue of “Resettlement” verses “Right of Return”. The Jews and their God Jehovah, according to Jeremiah 12:14-17, expect the Arabs and Persians to resettle these refugees within their respective borders. Conversely, the Arabs and Persians demand that Israel afford them the right to return into the land of Israel.
Here is what Hassan Nasrallah said about it in his recent speech:
“In Lebanon all the Palestinian people and forces say they are against resettlement, all the Lebanese say they are too, a Lebanese and Palestinian consensus exists on the matter, yet there are fears that resettlement could be imposed at any moment; should resettlement be imposed it would be a conspiracy first against the Palestinians before the Lebanese... It is also a conspiracy against [the land of] Palestine before Lebanon. Resettlement will be at the expense of losing Palestine forever before being at Lebanon's expense.” “Let us focus on the subject of the right of return…”
This attitude represents the general sentiment of the entire Arab League. It is, and has been, a massive stumbling block to peace in the Middle East because the Arabs believe “Resettlement will be at the expense of losing Palestine forever”. On the flip side many Jews believe that Right of Return will be at the expense of losing Israel forever.
The Bible predicts that, soon and temporarily, peace will come to the Middle East but it will not come politically, but militarily. It is wise for humanity to prepare for such an outcome in advance of its arrival. This is why God gave man Bible prophecy. World changing events are about to occur in the Fertile Crescent that will most certainly adversely affect all of mankind while they are occurring.
A tremendous ironic twist awaits the Arabs. God will not allow the destruction of Israel or half of its army at this point in history. Rather, He will configure events so that the Arabs are overwhelmingly defeated. For more information about what’s coming next in the Middle East according to the Bible, be encouraged to read my book on the subject called Isralestine, The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East.
According to the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics, tourism in Israel has steadily declined in 2009 in comparison to 2008. There appears to be a developing concern among would be “holy land” travelers that a major Mideast war involving Israel, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas, and others is inevitable and soon to happen.
In a semi-related area, Israel’s concerns are further fueled by the genuine possibility that immigration into Israel will come to a complete halt the minute Iran possesses its own nuclear weapon. Ephraim Sneh, the former Israeli Deputy Defense Minister, was quoted by the Jerusalem Post on 9/16/2009 as stating:
“If the Islamic republic (Iran) completes its military nuclear program, immigration to Israel would stop, young men and women would emigrate to pursue their future in places seen as more secure and investment in Israel would be reduced.”
Legitimizing the above holy land concerns are the additional geopolitcal facts that Mideast Peace talks remain at a standstill, the international community is further isolating the Jewish State, and Israel has been preparing its citizenry and military for a massive multi-front war for the better part of 2009!
Has the Middle East become the world’s most dangerous travel destination?
Perhaps so; many end time’s experts are predicting war is presently gyrating upon the prophetic radar. Several of them believe Damascus, Syria will soon be the site of the world’s next deadliest disaster! Ancient bible prophecies foretelling the coming destruction of the world’s oldest continuously inhabited city increasingly pique the attention of today’s top eschatologists.
They fevereshly sort through the geo-prophetical blueprints to see if they appropriately align with today’s turbulant geo-political Mideast events. The interrelated prophecies of particular interest are contained in the books of Isaiah and Jeremiah.
Isaiah 17:1 declares that Damascus will someday cease to be a city. The prophecy suggests that it will be reduced to rubble in a matter of hours indicating that it becomes the target of a devastating attack. Only nuclear weapons could accomplish such destruction in a brief time period. Isaiah 17:9,14 encourages the possibility that such an attack is is conducted by the Israeli Defense Forces (I.D.F.).
Several bible translations, like the King James Version, New King James Version, and American Standard Version, seem to suggest that Jeremiah 49:23-27 depicts an I.D.F. attack emanating from warships located in the Mediterranean Sea. Presently Israel has several such warships purportedly packing that type of powerful punch patrolling therein!
Although Damascus, (pictured here), was overtaken around 732 B.C. by the Assyrians and has changed sovereign hands several times since, it has never ceased entirely from being a city. In fact today it thrives as Syria’s capital city, housing a population within its connecting metropolitan borders of about 4.5 million people. This is approximately one quarter of the entire nations population.
Futhermore, it is considered by many to be the central hub from which every known Mideast terrorist organization finds safe haven. In light of these important facts and many others, several prophecy scholars have safely deduced that Isaiah’s damnation of Damascus has yet to find its final fulfillment!
In the event Israel strategically strikes Iran’s nuclear sites and in return receives a massive reign of retaliatory rockets from a hostile multi-front venue, Damascus becomes Israel’s most opportune return target. By decisively destroying Damascus, the I.D.F. demonstrates to its Mideast foes that it intends to act boldly, swiftly, and victoriously. Furthermore by dooming Damascus, the I.D.F. limits the mobilization capabilities of several key terrorist entities expected to engage in the anti-Israel confederacy.
Presently Syria is among a multiplicity of world nations that disallow normal diplomatic international relations with Israel. In fact they, like Iran, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Hamas, Palestinians, and many more, refuse to recognize Israel’s right exist as the sovereign Jewish State.
Syria, along with Egypt, Jordan, and others, has prominately participated in the major Middle East Arab – Israeli wars of 1948, 1967, and 1973. However, unlike Egypt and Jordan, who have developed a wholesome fear of the I.D.F., Syria still rattles its sabers and stakes its claims upon the strategic Golan Heights, land which Israel currently possesses.
Although Egypt and Jordan have formulated fragile peace treaties with Israel, Syria has refused to emulate their examples. Instead Syria has opted to befriend Iran, Hezbollah, and the Hamas, all of whom exist as Israel’s greatest military threats today.
In light of the fact that Syria has refused to learn its modern day lessons regarding Israel’s right to exist in the holy land, it appears as though they are about to descend from a condition of denial into a dreaded circumstance of destruction.
Jeremiah 49:25 asks – “Why is the city of praise (Jerusalem) not deserted, the city of My joy?” By asking this question of Damascus humanity is caused to consider that there comes a time when Jerusalem and Damascus become two central competing cities. Jeremiah suggests that Syria will someday seek the forced exodus of Jews out from Jerusalem. Presently the Syrians and many of their Arab cohorts seek this very thing. They desire that Jerusalem become the capital of an additional Arab State called Palestine.
According to Jeremiah’s subsequent concluding prophetic words to Damascus, we discover the Syrian army will mobilize in a final attempt to separate Jews from their holy city of Jerusalem. However, this futile Syrian attempt will prove to be fatal, and in the aftermath, Damascus becomes the world’s most dangerous destination!
“Therefore her (Damascus) young men shall fall in her streets, And all the men of war (Syrian army) shall be cut off in that day,” says the LORD of hosts.” (Jeremiah 49:26; nkjv)
Currently there is credible chatter that an unprecedented increase in Christian conversions is taking place in Syria. However, this window of opportunity to preach the gospel in a predominately Arab Islamic country may be about to abruptly shut! If Damascus is soon to become the target of mass destruction, then perhaps these converts ought to be incorporating a sound exit strategy out of Syria within their temporarily flourishing Christian message.
There’s no fooling humanity anymore! Mankind nervously watches current international and Mideast events spin apocalyptically out of control. The world accelerates toward a one-world banking system, one-world order, and a one-world leader. The sign’s of the times suggest the biblical Antichrist has already arrived on the scene!
Atop the list of end time’s Antichrist signs are current Middle East war gyrations. The Bible predicts that hostilities between the Jews and their Arab and Persian enemies will rise to an unprecedented fever pitch. It further states that the whole world will someday turn against Israel, leaving the Jewish State to fend for itself. From the looks of things in the cradle of civilization, that time appears to have come!
Eschatologists email each other daily with new evidences that current events continue to reinforce their conclusions that humanity is hastening toward the dreaded “Tribulation Period”. Many of them teach that this 7-year period commences with a covenant confirmed for a similar duration between Israel and the Antichrist according to Daniel 9:27. Isaiah 28:15 and 18 identifies this Middle East peace - pact as a “covenant of death”. Isaiah’s rendition likens it to an agreement with Hell!
Undeniably the spotlight has again turned toward Israel, only this time the stakes have risen to an insurmountable high. All the Middle East prophetic chess pieces, political leaders, military arsenals, and terrorist organizations, like the Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda, and Hamas are in place for the final showdown.
There appears no way around it, this must be it! The time has come for a charismatic world leader to emerge and put a peace-proposal together that puts the Middle East temporarily out of its misery and finally works!
I say temporarily, because the prophecy contained in Daniel chapter nine clearly foretells that the Antichrist will violate this peace treaty at the mid-point of the Tribulation Period. He then turns his hatred toward the Jews, and in Zechariah 13:8 we are informed that he will successfully kill two-thirds of the Israeli Jewish population living at that time. In light of other important preceding prophetic events, which I’m about to introduce, we can anticipate that the final Jewish body-count affected by his end time’s genocidal effort will total well into the millions!
This brings me to the prophetic point of this article whereby I must thrust a monkey wrench into most end time’s models. All the above is true, however the Bible declares that before the peace-pact is confirmed; powerful Mideast wars are foretold to occur!
According to yet unfulfilled prophecies contained in Isaiah 17, Psalm 83, and Ezekiel 38 & 39, Israel will first do battle against the Syria, Iran, the Hezbollah, and many other of their surrounding Arab enemies. Some scholars predict that these three Bible prophecies will occur soon, sequentially, and in rapid succession.
Isaiah 17:1 suggests that Israel is about to nuke Damascus turning it into a ruinous heap. Most military analysts suspect that Israel presently has the nuclear wherewithal to accomplish this damnation of Damascus. Isaiah’s entire prophecy seems to infer that the Israeli Defense Forces are the instrument through which the destruction of the world’s oldest continuously populated city occurs.
Psalm 83 encourages the possibility that Israel will then battle against the Palestinians, Hezbollah, Hamas, and many other surrounding Arab enemies, like the Saudis, Lebanese, Jordanians, and Egyptians. This prophetic psalm declares these enemies of Israel will unite to wipe the Jewish State off of the map, so that the “name Israel be remembered no more”. (Psalm 83:4)
As I point out in my book, Isralestine, The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East, this Arab confederacy likewise meets its demise at the hands of the I.D.F. according to assorted Bible prophecies.
Then flip a few prophetic pages forward to the war between Israel and Iran. After Damascus goes down and the inner ring of Arab populations that share common borders with Israel meet their pending doom as per Psalm 83, Iran is scheduled to team up with Russia, Turkey, Libya and a hostile host of others in fulfillment of the Ezekiel 38 & 39 invasion of Israel.
In light of Iran’s present full court press for a nuclear weapon purposed to wipe Israel off of the pages of time, this is the prophecy most frequently discussed by eschatologists today. Ezekiel 38:18-39:6 predicts yet another massive Israeli victory over Iran and its powerful allies.
At this point I could itemize the litany of current Mideast events that undeniably indicate the world has arrived at this final fateful hour; however that’s reserved for a subsequent article. What I deposit with you in closing is that the events leading up to the Antichrist’s 7 year temporary peace-pact with Israel are about to happen. As eerie the thought may be, one could possibly presume that the Antichrist may be alive and residing somewhere on the earth today!
Furthermore; the Israeli victories in the wars listed above dictate that the content of the false covenant will probably not contain the present Israeli-Palestinian 2-state peace proposals. According to Bible prophecy Israel soon defeats the Palestinians and their Arab cohorts; thus achieving this illusive peace militarily before the advent of the Antichrist. No; Isaiah’s covenant with death, will likely paint and entirely different geopolitical picture upon its pages.
To imagine its content, one must envision the existence of a significantly different, more prosperous and powerful Israel. A Jewish State that is probably much larger and more densely populated with Jews than the lesser Israel of today. A Greater Israel, that dwells securely in receipt of vast Arab and Iranian arsenals and spoils of war. A prosperous nation that is freed from further Arab terror, torment, and threats to be wiped off of the map.
Only then can one search the scriptures to grasp the enormity of the Antichrist’s last days covenant with Israel. Christians today ought to understand current Middle East and world events in order to utilize Bible prophecy as a witnessing tool for reaching out to a harvest field of souls. The world is filled with humanity hunkering down and hungering for truth and prophetic information, and the God of the Bible has not let them down.
Current Middle East events suggest that several key prophetic biblical pages of the past have flipped open for their final fulfillment. The Arabs, Jews, and Persians are presently arming themselves for what could easily become the “Mother of Mideast Conflicts”. The ever illusive Arab – Israeli peace talks have become apocalyptically complicated by their collective concerns about Iran’s nuclear aspirations.
President Obama is actively trying to diffuse the volatile situation through the similar failed diplomatic efforts of the former Clinton and Bush administrations. Will he prevail? Is there a peaceful end in sight, or has humanity come to the crossroads of a powerful last day’s crisis?
The world cries “heaven forbid”, but heaven foreknows that war is inevitable.
According to an ancient Bible prophecy contained in Ezekiel 38-39, Iran, formerly known as Persia, will someday invade Israel. The Hebrew prophet declares that Iran, Russia, Turkey, Libya, along with a consortium of several other nations, invades a very wealthy Israel that is supposedly “dwelling securely” “without walls” in “the latter years”. Ezekiel declares that this end time’s confederacy plans to destroy the Jewish State and confiscate their national wealth.
For several sound reasons many respected eschatologists believe that the fulfillment of this prophetic event is near. However, in a previous article entitled, “Psalm 83 or Ezekiel 38, which is the next Middle East news headline”, I point out that it could be near but probably not next.
Presently Israel is not dwelling securely without walls in the prosperous condition Ezekiel describes. In fact, they have been preparing for a multi-front war with Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, and the Hamas in tandem with a possible strategic strike against Iran’s nuclear sites. Furthermore Israel has constructed a massive wall spanning approximately 400 feet intended to keep Palestinian terrorists out of Israel proper.
When will Israel dwell securely?
Ezekiel points out ten chapters earlier that a time is coming when the modern day Jewish State will dwell securely. This condition of national security results from forthcoming judgments determined against the Arab nations that share common borders with Israel. The prophet declares the following:
“And there shall no longer be a pricking brier or a painful thorn for the house of Israel from among all who are around them, who despise them. Then they shall know that I am the Lord GOD.” ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “When I have gathered the house of Israel from the peoples among whom they are scattered, and am hallowed in them in the sight of the Gentiles, then they will dwell in their own land which I gave to My servant Jacob. And they will dwell safely there, build houses, and plant vineyards; yes, they will dwell securely, when I execute judgments on all those around them who despise them. Then they shall know that I am the LORD their God.”’” (Ezekiel 28:24-26; NKJV)
For approximately two-thousand years the Jews were scattered throughout the Gentile nations of the world and over the past sixty-one years they have been returning into the land of Israel. This is in direct fulfillment of the first part of this Ezekiel 28 prophecy.
Continued Middle East conflicts have evidenced that the Arab States and their sponsored terrorist organizations are indeed “all those around them [Israel] who despise them”. Thus they have become “a pricking brier or a painful thorn” to the reforming Jewish State.
Furthermore, Ezekiel declares that Israel will someday “dwell safely” and “build houses”. For the past sixty-one years Israel has been building houses in order to accommodate the influx of returning Jews into their ancient homeland. However, presently the Obama administration is pressuring Israel to freeze all home building in Palestinian occupied territories.
This political attempt to create peace between the Arabs and Jews is not the remedy prescribed in the Ezekiel 28 prophecy. The prophet does not encourage the forfeiture of Jewish land nor a moratorium on housing; rather he declares that devastating judgments are coming against the Arab States sharing common borders with Israel!
How will these devastating judgments be formatted?
irst and foremost it is of utmost importance to note that the God of the Bible does not delight in the destruction of anyone according to John 3:16, which states; “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
However, these Arab populations are predominately Muslims and believe in Allah rather than the God of the Bible’s “only begotten Son” whom Christians declare to be Jesus Christ. Furthermore for the most part, they don’t recognize Israel’s right to exist and are the primary reason the Jewish nation does not “dwell securely” today. Their thorny behavior necessitates their forthcoming judgments.
These judgments will be executed through the might of theIsraeli Defense Forces, who exist today in fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Extensive details about these judgments are provided in my book Isralestine, The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East.
Israel “dwelling securely” “without walls” in “the latter years” whereby they can continue to “build houses” and “plant vineyards” without restriction occurs after the I.D.F. defeats the Arabs that surround and despise them.
According to another ancient Bible prophecy located in Psalm 83, these Arab States confederate in one final Arab attempt to wipe Israel off the map. This Psalm, which is a central theme of Isralestine, predicts that present political Mideast peace negotiations will fail forcing Israel and the “pricking brier” Arabs to go to war.
The modern day equivalents of this coming coalition consist of the Palestinians, Hezbollah, Hamas, Syrians, Saudis, Lebanese, Jordanians and Egyptians. This formidable confederacy represents those Arabs who have been the primary thorn in Israel’s side since it became a nation on May 14, 1948.
Isralestine references the important related Bible prophecies that find likely fulfillment as a result of this coming Psalm 83 war. Damascus, Syria will cease to exist. Jordan will surrender sovereignty to Israel. Israel will annex more territory and likely triple its present size. At least five cities in Egypt will belong to Israel. The Hamas will surrender in Gaza and many Palestinians will either be killed or become prisoners of war. Israel will take over oil and other Arab spoils of war.
Above is a sampling of prophetic results that enables Israel to remove the thorny hedge presently surrounding them and ultimately “dwell securely” in the Middle East. In the aftermath Israel will momentarily enjoy a brief calm before the next prophetic storm, which is the Ezekiel 38 and 39 Russian – Iranian led invasion.
Presently the international community frets over very serious rumors of war between Israel and Iran. The holy scriptures validate their concerns! However, Israel today is not residing in the specific conditions that Ezekiel 38 predicts. Therefore, there may even be a lesser conflict between the two nations before the massive end time’s Ezekiel 38 invasion occurs. In any case, the I.D.F. has a future—and probably soon--divine appointment to execute a series of military “judgments on all those [Arabs] around them who despise them.”
Many eschatologists, those who study end time events, are warning that three world changing Israeli war prophecies are about to occur. Isaiah 17:1, Psalm 83, and Ezekiel 38-39, usually listed in that order, describe prophetic events that could dramatically shift the balance of Mideast wealth and power into Israel’s favor.
Current unprecedented security threats facing Israel’s national existence not only support the eschatologist's beliefs, but have also forced many world leaders to push peace in the Middle East to the top of their agenda. They want Iran to refrain from developing a nuclear weapon, Israel to freeze settlement expansion in Jerusalem, Gaza, and the West Bank, and the Arab League to normalize relations with Israel and finally recognize its right to exist.
The international community continues to prescribe “Land for Peace” as the way to resolve the age old Arab-Israeli conflict; however the Bible predicts peace will come through military means rather than politically brokered real estate efforts.
Presuming the eschatologists are right, how soon might the world see the final fulfillment of these Middle East centered bible prophecies? Could it be that the present military preparations being made for another war between Israel and the Hezbollah could escalate and subsequently become the catalyst for the fulfillment of Isaiah 17:1 and ultimately Psalm 83?
Hezbollah, the terrorist organization turned political party, appears to be ramping up for a final war with Israel. According to Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, the Hezbollah are again heavily armed and extremely dangerous. On August 4, 2009 he told Army Radio that in violation of U.N. Resolution 1701, they have resupplied their arsenal with “40,000 rockets”. Additionally military analysts suggest that they have been stocking up on Russian-made SA-8 radar guided anti-aircraft missiles and SA-18 shoulder-fired missiles for use against Israeli helicopters.
In the summer of 2006 the Hezbollah lobbed over 4000 rockets into Israel. Averaging 118 rockets daily, Hassan Nasrallah and his Hezbollah bad boys kept residents in Haifa and other Northern Israeli communities hunkered down in bomb shelters for the duration of the 34 day conflict.
Given their current rocket supply Hezbollah could conduct a military campaign packing ten times the previous punch. Furthermore Israeli leaders are concerned that Hezbollah has added the Soviet designed “Frog 7” to their abundantly dangerous arsenal. This rocket could deliver a deadly dose of chemicals deep into downtown Tel Aviv.
Israel takes the Hezbollah threat seriously…
On June 4, 2009, while President Obama was quoting Islamic passages in Cairo, Egypt out of what he referred to as “the holy Koran”, Israel was concluding the largest civilian defense drill in its nation’s history called Turning Point 3. They were preparing their citizenry from top to bottom for a multi-front war between Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, and the Hamas. Then on June 9, 2009 Israeli Defense Minister Barak commanded his military commanders to likewise prepare for such a multi-front war.
Hezbollah proves TERRORISM WORKS…
The significance of Hezbollah’s stale mate with Israel in the summer of 2006 is that it emboldened the Arab States once again to unite against Israel. These predominately Muslim populations sharing a common hatred and border with Israel had resigned themselves, after continued defeats in 1948, 1967, and 1973 by the Israeli Defense Forces, to the fact that they were unable to win a conventional war against Israel. As such they formulated an alternative means through which to destroy the fledgling Jewish State.
They collectively and cleverly opted to propagandize the plight of the Palestinian Refugees and support any and all organizations willing to conduct terrorist operations against Israel. TERRORISM became their new battle cry and the unconventional method of warfare.
Terrorist organizations, like the Palestinian Liberation Organization, Islamic Jihad, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, and the Hezbollah began to pop up throughout the Middle East. These entities enabled the Arab States to conduct continued dirty dealings against Israel, while maintaining clean national hands. These terrorist populations created an effective buffer between Israel and the Arab States. The greater the act of terror against Israel the greater the reward was to the perpetrator.
Hezbollah has learned from Hamas’s mistakes…
The recent overpowering Operation Cast Lead campaign conducted by the I.D.F. against the Hamas should not overshadow the significance of the Hezbollah accomplishments in the summer of 2006. The Hamas got caught with their masks down and Israel seized the opportunity to inflict severe damage to their political and military infrastructure.
It was a brilliant gamble by the I.D.F. to mobilize expeditiously against the Hamas. They realized that a small window of opportunity existed to move into Gaza and destroy weapons, kill antagonistic leaders, and shut down weapons smuggling tunnels. Timing was everything in this conflict.
The Arab and Persian allies of the Hamas were not prepared to fight alongside them at the time. Iran’s nuclear program was not finalized and the Hezbollah and Syrians decided against engaging with Israel without Iran’s approval and military support. Additionally Egypt and Jordan attempted to hold on to their fragile peace agreements with Israel and were not willing to choose sides at the time. Thus the friends of Hamas were reduced to sideline saber rattling.
Had this war gone on much longer, lines would have likely been drawn in the Middle East sand, and even Egypt and Jordan would have had to choose between friendships with Israel or ostracism from the Arab League .
The difference between Operation Cast Lead and what is potentially coming against Israel through the Hezbollah is that the latter will probably not make a move against Israel until all the necessary Arab and Persian allegiances are already pledged. In fact, some of these alliances are already formed with Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and the Hamas.
In light of the legitimate concerns of the International community that Israel is about to launch a pre-emptive strategic strike upon Iran’s nuclear sites, it is probable that the Hezbollah, considered to be one of Iran’s favorite proxies, are poised to strike at any moment. One can be certain that not if, but when, Hezbollah initiates an act of aggression against Israel that it will not be a hap-hazard Hamas like attempt, but a concerted coalition effort intended to wipe the nation of Israel off of the map.
The prophetic implications of a final Israeli – Hezbollah war…
The prophetic implications of such a final war are staggering! This powerful conflict could easily initiate the end time Bible prophecies described in Isaiah 17:1 and Psalm 83. Isaiah predicts the final destruction of Damascus, Syria and Psalm 83 foretells the coming of a final Arab – Israeli war. Amazingly the Hezbollah appear to be listed as the “inhabitants of Tyre” among the ten Arab populations in Psalm 83:6-8.
According to the Bible, Israel and the Hezbollah appear ready for their final fight! This war could open up Pandora’s Box and lead to the Doom of Damascus and Final Fulfillment of Psalm 83. As such, Christians should be perched on the edge of their pews observing current Mideast events with watchful eyes. They should be preparing themselves for these prophetic dominoes to promptly fall in place!
My desire is to write in such a way that appeals to scholars and laymen alike. My new book called ISRALESTINE; The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East, takes an exhaustive, but adventurous look at unfulfilled Bible prophecies intended for today’s international audience. Shortly after becoming a Christian in 1992, writing became a daily discipline for me. I began with devotional pieces, but soon realized that I was drawn toward prophecy. After the events of September 11, 2001, along with the encouragement of Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum the founder of Ariel Ministries, I embarked upon a tireless path of discerning prophecies that apply today. My hope is that people from all over the world will learn through these steadfast efforts, that prophecy is not just for the scholarly, but also for every common man, woman, and child. Whether writing, teaching, doing interviews, or speaking in front of large and diverse audiences, my prayer is to impart understandable information. email: