Many eschatologists, those who study end time events, are warning that three world changing Israeli war prophecies are about to occur. Isaiah 17:1, Psalm 83, and Ezekiel 38-39, usually listed in that order, describe prophetic events that could dramatically shift the balance of Mideast wealth and power into Israel’s favor.
Current unprecedented security threats facing Israel’s national existence not only support the eschatologist's beliefs, but have also forced many world leaders to push peace in the Middle East to the top of their agenda. They want Iran to refrain from developing a nuclear weapon, Israel to freeze settlement expansion in Jerusalem, Gaza, and the West Bank, and the Arab League to normalize relations with Israel and finally recognize its right to exist.
The international community continues to prescribe “Land for Peace” as the way to resolve the age old Arab-Israeli conflict; however the Bible predicts peace will come through military means rather than politically brokered real estate efforts.
Presuming the eschatologists are right, how soon might the world see the final fulfillment of these Middle East centered bible prophecies? Could it be that the present military preparations being made for another war between Israel and the Hezbollah could escalate and subsequently become the catalyst for the fulfillment of Isaiah 17:1 and ultimately Psalm 83?
In the summer of 2006 the Hezbollah lobbed over 4000 rockets into Israel. Averaging 118 rockets daily, Hassan Nasrallah and his Hezbollah bad boys kept residents in Haifa and other Northern Israeli communities hunkered down in bomb shelters for the duration of the 34 day conflict.
Given their current rocket supply Hezbollah could conduct a military campaign packing ten times the previous punch. Furthermore Israeli leaders are concerned that Hezbollah has added the Soviet designed “Frog 7” to their abundantly dangerous arsenal. This rocket could deliver a deadly dose of chemicals deep into downtown Tel Aviv.
Israel takes the Hezbollah threat seriously…
Hezbollah proves TERRORISM WORKS…
The significance of Hezbollah’s stale mate with Israel in the summer of 2006 is that it emboldened the Arab States once again to unite against Israel. These predominately Muslim populations sharing a common hatred and border with Israel had resigned themselves, after continued defeats in 1948, 1967, and 1973 by the Israeli Defense Forces, to the fact that they were unable to win a conventional war against Israel. As such they formulated an alternative means through which to destroy the fledgling Jewish State.
They collectively and cleverly opted to propagandize the plight of the Palestinian Refugees and support any and all organizations willing to conduct terrorist operations against Israel. TERRORISM became their new battle cry and the unconventional method of warfare.
Terrorist organizations, like the Palestinian Liberation Organization, Islamic Jihad, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, and the Hezbollah began to pop up throughout the Middle East. These entities enabled the Arab States to conduct continued dirty dealings against Israel, while maintaining clean national hands. These terrorist populations created an effective buffer between Israel and the Arab States. The greater the act of terror against Israel the greater the reward was to the perpetrator.
Hezbollah has learned from Hamas’s mistakes…
It was a brilliant gamble by the I.D.F. to mobilize expeditiously against the Hamas. They realized that a small window of opportunity existed to move into Gaza and destroy weapons, kill antagonistic leaders, and shut down weapons smuggling tunnels. Timing was everything in this conflict.
The Arab and Persian allies of the Hamas were not prepared to fight alongside them at the time. Iran’s nuclear program was not finalized and the Hezbollah and Syrians decided against engaging with Israel without Iran’s approval and military support. Additionally Egypt and Jordan attempted to hold on to their fragile peace agreements with Israel and were not willing to choose sides at the time. Thus the friends of Hamas were reduced to sideline saber rattling.
Had this war gone on much longer, lines would have likely been drawn in the Middle East sand, and even Egypt and Jordan would have had to choose between friendships with Israel or ostracism from the Arab League .
The difference between Operation Cast Lead and what is potentially coming against Israel through the Hezbollah is that the latter will probably not make a move against Israel until all the necessary Arab and Persian allegiances are already pledged. In fact, some of these alliances are already formed with Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and the Hamas.
In light of the legitimate concerns of the International community that Israel is about to launch a pre-emptive strategic strike upon Iran’s nuclear sites, it is probable that the Hezbollah, considered to be one of Iran’s favorite proxies, are poised to strike at any moment. One can be certain that not if, but when, Hezbollah initiates an act of aggression against Israel that it will not be a hap-hazard Hamas like attempt, but a concerted coalition effort intended to wipe the nation of Israel off of the map.
The prophetic implications of a final Israeli – Hezbollah war…
The prophetic implications of such a final war are staggering! This powerful conflict could easily initiate the end time Bible prophecies described in Isaiah 17:1 and Psalm 83. Isaiah predicts the final destruction of Damascus, Syria and Psalm 83 foretells the coming of a final Arab – Israeli war. Amazingly the Hezbollah appear to be listed as the “inhabitants of Tyre” among the ten Arab populations in Psalm 83:6-8.
These two end time events along with the Russian - Iranian led nuclear equipped invasion of Israel described in Ezekiel 38 & 39 are discussed in greater detail in my book Isralestine, the Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East.
According to the Bible, Israel and the Hezbollah appear ready for their final fight! This war could open up Pandora’s Box and lead to the Doom of Damascus and Final Fulfillment of Psalm 83. As such, Christians should be perched on the edge of their pews observing current Mideast events with watchful eyes. They should be preparing themselves for these prophetic dominoes to promptly fall in place!
These two end time events along with the Russian - Iranian led nuclear equipped invasion of Israel described in Ezekiel 38 & 39 are discussed in greater detail in my book Isralestine, the Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East.
According to the Bible, Israel and the Hezbollah appear ready for their final fight! This war could open up Pandora’s Box and lead to the Doom of Damascus and Final Fulfillment of Psalm 83. As such, Christians should be perched on the edge of their pews observing current Mideast events with watchful eyes. They should be preparing themselves for these prophetic dominoes to promptly fall in place!
I suspect that the world will discover if you are correct by the end of this year. I believe that war preparations are well underway on both sides and before it is over Israel will, of necessity to survive, go nuclear.
Psalm 83, not quite, yet the Gog/Magog battle will soon be underway. The hyped release of a new peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians will only server to spark a conflict. If Russia releases the S-300 to Iran, Israel will have a short time to strike before it is operational.
Just finished reading Isralestine. I had reached the same conclusion based on Dan. 12:7 - "when the power of the holy people has been shattered.." implying that Israel would be militarily strong up to that point. Great book! Thanks.
Great article Bill! We agree with you and have about 30 people watching with us. Blessings,
Karen & Peter Escondido, CA
I think you are, as the British say, "Spot On!" It it looks like Damascus is soon to truly be a radioactive heap. Did you read Dr. Reagan's 3 installment on the End Times Wars on Bible Prophecy Today - http://bible-prophecy-today.blogspot.com/2009/08/end-time-wars-3-4-conventional-and.html? It is pretty good as well. Actaully, all 3 installments have been excellent, and I am eagerly awaiting his 4th installment.
I listened to your radio broadcast the on the previous article that your wrote, prior to this one. I really enjoyed it!
All I can say is, WOW!!! Many thanks to Bill Salus and others for countless hours of research and for the Holy Spirit giving them understanding. If Isaiah 17:1 and Psalm 83 happen before the Rapture, it will be a great tool to witness and a catalyst for a much needed revival. Thank you Lord Jesus for waking me up out of my spiritual slumber in these last days and for allowing me to have understanding about what is getting ready to happen.
Rob likes Bill web site, He is on
top in my Opinion, We live in exciting times, I am 80 in bad health, But I expect the Rapture in
my lifetime. Any one who loves Prophecy should be thrilled with this report.
GOD bless
I've done some study on the Psalms 83 prophecy and I slightly differ as to the interpretation. I believe that the Psalms 83 senario is another view of the battle of Gog from the land of Magog. The next war in my opinion is the war with Israel and Syria via Iran, and of course Hezbollah,Hamas etc will be involved. The Israeli's will have to go nuclear to stop the onslaught of rockets some filled with wmd's that will rain down on the Jewish state. The Lord will be involved in this retaliation.
Therefore her/Syria young men shall fall in her streets, and all the men of war shall be cut off in that day, saith the LORD of hosts. And I will kindle a fire in the wall of Damascus. The next event after this is found in Revelation 6:1,2.
And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals,And I saw, and behold a white horse:
The destruction of Damascus is the event that brings about the opening of the First of the opening of the seven seals and not the rapture of the Church.
The resurrection and rapture of the Church will take place with the opening of 2nd through the 6th seals to begin the 7 year tribulation.
This I know runs counter to what's been taught, someone has to have courage to be led by the Holy Spirit.
I can prove through scriptures that this view is correct.
To the Lord Jesus Christ be all the Glory.
Heavens Prince
God Bless!
Please don't take this wrong but Israel has taken more guff from their enemies than I could have ever taken. Then again maybe that's one reason why they are God's chosen. I'm behind them 100% and while I wish there were peaceful ways to settle this I know the bible clearly says Israel's enemies are biding their time to stab them in the back. My country (USA) had better support them in any and every way possible but our new president (Mr. Obama) gives me reason to worry he won't. I hope God indeed smites the attackers justly and gives them what they deserve for constantly being a thorn in Isreals' side. I pray they emerge victorious!
"Until the Fullness of the Gentiles comes in". When Psalm 83 is fulfilled Muslims will realize Allah is an impotent god & will turn to our LORD. When the last one comes in Bridegroom will come for HIS Bride.
2010 is the start of the last decade.
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