Many experts, like eschatologist Hal Lindsey and former U.S. U.N. Ambassador John Bolton, are suggesting that may soon happen. Israel appears readied to knock the nuclear bow temporarily out of Iran’s hand and from my prophetic vantage point this could be a primary reason Iran, formerly Persia until 1935, isn’t listed in the upcoming Psalm 83 confederate invasion of Israel. Persia is omitted from the Psalm 83 bible prophecy but oddly they bare their banner in the Russian invasion of Israel described in Ezekiel 38 and 39, which is an event some scholars, myself included, sequence subsequent to Psalm 83.
It could be that a forthcoming strategic Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear sites renders Iran of little utility to the Psalm 83 confederates destined to soon assemble and conspire to destroy Israel according to Bible Prophecy.
Amazingly, against all odds, the nation of Israel continues to survive. The Arabs, who for the most part refuse to recognize Israel’s right to exist, have attempted to destroy the Jewish nation conventionally in 1948, 1967, and 1973. When conventional attempts failed the Arabs persuaded the Palestinian Refugees to formulate terrorist organizations like the PLO, Fatah, and Hamas, to antagonize the restoration of the Jewish nation via unconventional methods of warfare. These terrorist groups, many now turned political parties, enabled the Arab nations to maintain clean hands while busloads of Jewish blood poured into the streets of Jerusalem.
In the summer of 2006 the Hezbollah terrorist organization performed a feat the Arab States had never been able to accomplish; they successfully fought against and embarrassed the Israeli Defense Forces. The Arabs walked away with a sense of victory in the aftermath of that month long conflict. The Hezbollah proved that the unconventional method of warfare called terrorism worked! The Hezbollah do not comprise an Arab State; rather they are thugs, turned terrorists, processed into militant politicians. Presently they have veto power in the Lebanese legislature and, according to conservative estimates, possess over forty thousand advanced rockets, some perhaps chemically charged, that are strategically positioned for the opportune time to take out Tel Aviv.
The present Israeli leadership is so concerned about the current Hezbollah threat that they recently completed the largest civilian defense drill in their nation’s history. Turning Point 3, as it was labeled, was a societal top to bottom shake down of all facets of Israeli civilian life in preparation for the possibility of a multi-front war with Iran’s proxies the Hezbollah, Syrians, and Hamas.
Why them and why now? Is Israel expecting President Obama’s dangerous Rodney King “can’t we all just get along” style of Mideast foreign policy, called “engagement”, to fail? Apparently so; Ehud Barak, the Israeli Defense Minister, has all of the I.D.F. and I.A.F. (Israeli Air Forces) combat ready for the same scenario anticipated in the Turning Point 3 exercise.
No my brothers and sisters it appears the time has come for the fulfillment of prophecies that demonstrate today’s Israeli Defense Forces exist in fulfillment of Bible Prophecy. Prophecies like Ezekiel 25:14 and Obadiah 1:18 which announce the I.D.F. will destroy the Palestinians likely leaving hardly a survivor behind, and passages like Isaiah 17:1 and Jeremiah 49:2 that declare the doom of Damascus and the transfer of Jordanian sovereignty into Israeli hands.
These passages and a flurry of others highlighted by Ezekiel 37:10, which declare that someday the I.D.F. will be called an “exceedingly great army”, appear about ready to adorn the prophetic pages of modern day history. The only thing standing between the crowning achievements of the I.D.F becoming classified as exceedingly great are a few decisive victories over Israel’s modern day nemeses. Victories that may begin with a surgical strategic strike upon Iran’s nuclear sites and conclude with a massive domino Israeli conquest over the Hezbollah, Syrians, Hamas, and other members of the Psalm 83 confederates.
Jordan Chaviv video "We Will Survive"
Many blesssssssings from Isralestine and remember today is the day of Salvation. Make Jesus Lord and Master of your life now before all the above prophetic events begin to hit the fan.
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