
Prophet Predicts Israel to bury Iranians & burn Iranium!

Part Two by Bill Salus

The nuclear clock still ticks on Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s apocalyptic watch. On February 11, 2010 he informed the International Community that his country has achieved the ability to make their first batch of 20% enriched uranium; a milestone accomplishment for a nation seeking nuclear statehood.

Confirming suspicions that 2010 likely becomes the year Iran produces its own nuclear bomb, the BBC news subsequently announced Iran will be capable of producing weapons grade uranium within six months. Additionally, in December 2009 it was widely reported that Iran successfully simulated the detonation of a nuclear warhead, also considered a crowning nuclear achievement.

It has become increasingly apparent that unless some outside intervening source initiates a strategic strike against Iran’s nuclear sites, it could soon be calling itself the nuclear enriched uranium state of IRANIUM! This new metaphoric word construct adequately describes the potential arrival of the rogue nuclear state of Iran upon the world scene. Not surprisingly, most world political and military leaders consider the coming of Iranium potentially catastrophic.

Part one of these articles discussed the implausibility of present political options preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear state and briefly alluded to an ancient prophetic prediction regarding the fate of Iran’s nuclear future. Furthermore, the reading of a related World Net Daily article called the Bible predicts: Israel to nab Russian, Iranian nukes was encouraged. Part two of this piece picks up at the point of Iran’s predicted future.

Iran, formerly called Persia up until 1935, is identified in end time’s bible prophecy as either Elam or Persia. Both names find historical biblical association with modern day Iran. Jeremiah 49:34-39 predicts Elam’s end time events and Ezekiel 38 and 39 corroborates Persia’s plight similarly.

The good news according to Jeremiah 49:39 is that a final remnant of Iranians has a benevolent future in the upcoming Messianic kingdom age. Conversely, the devastating reality according to both Jeremiah and Ezekiel is until then, many Iranians will die in an epic battle.

Ezekiel’s prophetic chapters 38 and 39 foretell the coming of a Russian – Iranian led confederate invasion of Israel in the last days. This coalition, whose modern day equivalents, are listed here alongside their ancient names appears to come against a much greater Israel than exists today.

In his descriptive fifty-two passages, the prophet delivers enormous detail about the entirety of the event. He pictures a powerful and prosperous Israel that dwells securely, without walls, in the midst of the Holy Land in the last days. Evidencing their prosperity Ezekiel declares that the Jewish State at the time of the invasion, possesses “great plunder” or “great spoil” in some biblical translations. Furthermore, Ezekiel 38:12-13 informs us that the Russian - Iranian led confederacy covets this great spoil and coalesces to confiscate it.

These invaders are divinely destroyed by the Jewish G-d Jehovah according to Ezekiel 38:18-39:6. In the aftermath multitudes of dead enemy soldiers are buried by Israelis for a specific time span of seven months. Subsequent to the seven months a search party goes forth to mark the site of each remain in order to thoroughly cleanse the affected land. The dead are buried in a designated area east of some sea in a valley that will ultimately be called “Hamon Gog”, which in Hebrew means hordes of the northern nation.

Some scholars suggest Ezekiel’s specificity about the burial process and quarantined location of the mass grave site infers these deceased hordes become contaminated by the fallout of their technologically advanced arsenals. If so, this implies that this power packed invasion comes against Israel with a full punch inclusive of the “A-B-C’s” of weaponry (Atomic, Biological, and Chemical).

Further fueling this thinking is that Ezekiel 39:9-10 predicts Israel will burn these enemy weapons for seven years, indicating the possible nuclear nature of these weapons. Ezekiel may have been attempting to describe the conversion of nuclear weapons into energy for civilian usage through the limited weapons technologies and vernacular of his time. Coincidentally, Iran’s present nuclear development program is supposedly only for civilian use purposes.

However, even though the Russian forces today are armed with mobile, ground-launched nuclear-capable missiles and artillery, there are problems with assuming in the Ezekiel 38 & 39 invasion that;

1. They intend to use them
2. The dead combatants are contaminated from them
3. They will be reconfigured for Israeli civilian usage in the aftermath

Listed below are three opposing arguments to the Ezekiel invaders being nuclear equipped at the time of the invasion;

1. If the dead enemy troops become contaminated from weapons fallout why are “birds of prey” and “beasts of the field” consuming them in Ezekiel 39:4? This presumes these creatures are either immune to the contaminated flesh, or that the corpses are edible and not contaminated.

2. Although Russia presently possesses nukes and Iran may be about to, there is no certainty that they intend to use them. Historically Russia has fought battles in Afghanistan and elsewhere without utilizing their nuclear weapons. Additionally the Ezekiel invaders are coming after great spoil, and nuking Israel could adversely affect the bounty they are bound for. Additionally, mopping up a post disaster nuclear battlefield is no small project. It requires a highly trained team working together in an extremely coordinated effort.

3. Reconfiguring nuclear weapons into fuel fulfilling civilian energy needs is no easy undertaking. It requires reverse engineering of extracting the HEU (Highly Enriched Uranium) or Enriched Plutonium and recycling it into Israel's Dimona reactor. This is a very complex time consuming method of civilian conversion.

These are valid arguments; however, the possibility remains that Russia and perhaps Iran include tactical nukes in their quivers as they descend down from the uttermost parts of the north upon Israel. (Ezekiel 38:6,15). If Ezekiel is describing “ABC” weapons fallout contaminating the dead enemy combatants, what valley is he identifying as the designated location of their mass graves; the valley east of what sea?

It is doubtful due to wind patterns that these holocaustic hordes will be buried east of the Mediterranean Sea in a cemetery near down town Tel Aviv. Thus the probable destination of this massive burial site will be somewhere in modern day Jordan east of the Dead Sea, which is much more geographically and topographically conducive.

Although this territory is presently sovereign to Jordanians, according to Genesis 15:18 coupled with Jeremiah 49:1-2, Israel will someday become sovereign over this land. Jeremiah alludes to ancient Ammon, which was located in what is today northern Jordan. This territorial title transfer seems to occur in the aftermath of the Israeli Defense Forces victory over the Psalm 83 confederacy.

Greater detail about the prelude, episode, and aftermath of the coming epic Arab – Israeli war of Psalm 83 can be gathered from my book Isralestine, The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East. If the Ezekiel invaders are destined to be buried east of the Dead Sea in Jordan, this supports the Isralestine hypothesis that Psalm 83 precedes the Ezekiel 38 invasion since Jordan, an enlisted member of the Psalm 83 confederacy, must first be subdued.

In conclusion, at the rate Iran’s nuclear program is currently developing it appears that it will soon become a nuclear state. Perhaps their present nuclear aspirations may be postponed due to an intervening preemptive strategic strike by Israel and / or some other nation. However, such a scenario may not permanently sideline Iran’s march toward Iranium. Iran is clearly identified among the Ezekiel 38 invaders. Therefore, although their nuclear sites may be strategically struck, they as a nation must remain militarily intact.

Persia’s poor choice to enlist with Russia and its cohorts against Israel results in Iranians, not Israelis, nearly being wiped off of the map. This is an amazing dichotomy considering Iranian president Ahmadinejad has publicly declared his intentions to wipe Israel off of the map. Although the extent and content of the enemies' arsenals is uncertain, they will bless rather than destroy Israelis. These weapons currently being formed against Israel are actually being formed for Israel.
Fortunately for a remnant of Iranians, Jeremiah’s Jehovah will show compassion toward them. “But it shall come to pass in the latter days: I will bring back the captives of Elam, [Iran]’ says the LORD.” (Jeremiah 49:39 NKJV)

In addition to Isralestine, Epicenter by Joel Rosenberg and Northern Storm Rising by Dr. Ron Rhodes serve as recommended books regarded with the Ezekiel 38 & 39 coming invasion of Israel.

Article contributors: Don Mercer, Sean Osborne, Dr. Lawrence Prabhaker


Prophet Predicts Israel to bury Iranians & burn Iranium!

Part One - by Bill Salus

Rumors of war between Israel and Iran suggest the Middle East is on the verge of going apocalyptic. Rapidly deteriorating relationships between the Obama administration and the Netanyahu led government recently caused U.S. Mideast peace envoy George Mitchell to threaten freezing future American aid to Israel.

Meanwhile, many world political and military leaders fear Israel is about to go toe to toe with Iran and its proxies, Syria, Hezbollah, and Hamas. Consider some of the recent headlines validating their concerns:

1. Hezbollah boasts it can destroy one-half of Israel’s army – Sept. 2009.
2. Iran successfully simulates detonation of nuclear weapon – Dec. 2009.
3. War pacts were signed by Iran and its proxies – Dec. 2009.
4. Syria calls up its reserves – Jan. 2010.
5. Israeli troops train for a new Gaza War Jan. 2010
6. Iran trains five Hezbollah brigades to seize Galilee towns – Feb. 2010.
7. Israel is passing out gas masks nationwide – Feb. 2010.
8. Iran announces "nuclear statehood" Feb. 11, 2010

These are just a few telling and troubling events signaling that the “Mother of all Mideast Wars” may be on the horizon. What has caused hostilities in the holy land to seemingly escalate out of control to a DEFCON 1 level?

It’s the existential threat posed to Israel by Iran’s nuclear aspirations.

Certainly many other turbulent geopolitical circumstances complicate Mideast matters; however, Iran’s Islamically driven intentions to “wipe Israel off of the map” stand at the core of the matter. This genocidal threat has provoked Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to plead with the international community to implement “crippling” sanctions upon Iran immediately.

However, “immediately” may be too late as the international community appears to have run out of both time and options. For over six decades Mideast peace has eluded humanity’s resume. It appears as though the time has come for the G-d of Israel to take matters into His own hands. Before stating the prophetic prediction let’s play out the potential political options.


In order for sanctions to work against Iran they must be stiff and strictly adhered to by the influential members of the International Community. What is the likelihood of this occurring considering mankind lives in an oil dependent world and Iran presently ranks as the number two member of the OPEC oil cartel? OPEC possesses two-thirds of the world’s oil reserves and produces one-third of the world’s oil supply. Iran's number two position within OPEC and number four position worldwide, gives them a trump card over political sanctions.

Take China as an example. China, ranked second worldwide in oil consumption, has already adamantly declared it will not support sanctions against Iran. Then consider Russia, who has significant nuclear energy and weapons export contracts with Iran, they have offered only lip service in favor of sanctions against Iran.

Russia is bidding for superpower status once again and is in desperate need of Iran’s oil wealth. Wealth achieved through weapons exports was one of the primary reasons the former Soviet Union, spearheaded by Russia, achieved superpower status in the past. The Russians appear to be up to their old antics evidenced by the existence of multiple weapons export contracts, with Iran, Turkey, Greece, Cypress, Libya, Syria, Algeria, Sudan, and many others.

Russia’s advanced weapons technologies coupled with Iran’s oil wealth is a marriage made from Hades. These two nations have become inseparable allies, and asking Russia to support sanctions against Iran would be asking it to shoot itself in the foot. Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton was quoted recently on Fox news saying “we will see Russian support for sanctions when we see it”, implying don’t hold your breath.

In fact Russia’s outstanding contracts to sell the S-300 and S-400 missile defense systems to Iran complicate the Middle East predicament. These systems are state of the art, supposedly surpassing even the U.S. Patriot missile defense system. Israel views the implementation of these systems as a serious deterrent to their ability to preempt a strategic strike against Iran’s nuclear sites. Thus, this fast forwards the potential Israeli attack clock. It infers that Israel might have to move against Iran before these systems are officially up and running inside of Iran.


The neutralization of Iran will likely not come from regime change either. Many political optimists believe that the opposition “Green Movement” inside Iran, which is primarily comprised of unarmed youthful protesters, might evolve into a regime change. They claim that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his Mullah backed “Alliance of Builders” political party stole the June 2009 Iranian election.

For a few weeks mainstream media sources broadcast their street protests. However, many of these protesters are either, in hiding, imprisoned, or assassinated at this point. They have learned the hard way that it will take more than large crowds waiving green flags and wearing green wrist bands to uproot the ruthless Iranian regime, which has been in place for over three decades now.


During their Washington meeting in May of 2009, President Obama informed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of his Middle East foreign policy of “Engagement.” Obama suggested that he might just have enough presidential charisma to talk the Iranian president Ahmadinejad, who has vowed to wipe Israel off of the map, into halting his nuclear development program.

This naïve Rodney King style of “can we all just get along” foreign policy was doomed from the start. Evidencing Obama’s lack of Mideast insight and experience, Ahmadinejad declared in December of 2009 that there is not a “damn thing”, Israel and its western backers can do to stop Iran’s nuclear work. Obama’s weak policy of engagement has further facilitated Iran’s freedom to develop their nuclear program. Iran has officially declared that it is capable of producing weapons grade uranium (Iranium). Many analysts believe Iran will have a nuclear weapon by the end of 2010.

In conclusion of part one, any hopes that Iran will change its disposition from a radical regime to a more moderate government via sanctions, protests, or engagements are all but out the window. It appears all political options have exhausted themselves and the time has arrived for Israel, their G-d Jehovah, and / or any concerned nation to implement military measures in order to halt Iran’s nuclear aspirations.

In preparation for part two of this article, which describes the prophet Ezekiel’s predictions to bury Iranians and burn Iranium; it is paramount to read my previous article published at World Net Daily linked here entitled. Bible predicts: Israel to nab Russian, Iranian nukes